[Simnibs-discuss] Importing Brainsight Targets to SimNIBS - Target Seems Off

Sliva, Danielle danielle_sliva at brown.edu
Tue Jan 24 17:26:49 CET 2023


I am using SimNIBS4 to do a TMS simulation with targets from a previous
experimental session that utilized Brainsight for neuronavigation. I
followed the instructions here <
to import the targets from a Brainsight output text file, and chose the
*World* coordinate system (*NIfTI:aligned* was not an available option).

The target I'm using is in primary somatosensory cortex, adjacent to the
motor hand knob. When I look at the simulation results in gmesh, it looks
like the coil position is off - it is in the correct general area, but way
too deep in the brain. The spatial distribution of the electrical field is
also too deep in the brain, without activation on the surface of the gyri.
I found the same issue for a different control target location.

I used raw files (DICOM converted to NIfTI & DICOM) for SimNIBS and
Brainsight, respectively. I know that Brainsight does some preprocessing to
the image (e.g. alignment to AC-PC line) - is this accounted for in the
automatic LPS to RAS conversion in simnibs.brainsight.read()? Is there
another co-registration step that I am missing?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Danielle D. Sliva
PhD Candidate, Jones Lab
Dept. of Neuroscience
Brown University
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