[Simnibs-discuss] Cerebellum tDCS simulation: question.

xavier corominas xc.teruel at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 19:11:56 CET 2022

Dear SimNIBS developers/community,

I am writing to share a question about tDCS simulations in the cerebellum.
I am trying to do a tDCS simulation with an anode located in the cerebellum
and transform it to 'fsaverage space'. I would like to extract from the
simulation the E_norm (|E|) and the E_normal (|nE|) components from
coordinates situated in the cerebellum.

When launching a ROI analysis using MNI coordinates (in the cerebellum) in
the generated simulation transformed to fsaverage space (using the _fsavg
simulation as head_mesh), MATLAB reports an error indicating that the
analyzed positions exceed array bounds, as the cerebellum cannot be
visualized (and I understand that no surface is created for it). I have not
found any plausible way to extract these values from the cerebellum
coordinates. I would be grateful for guidance on how I can do this.

Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Thank you very much for everything.

Xavier Corominas.
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