[Simnibs-discuss] ROI analysis

Silvana Huertas chivihuertasp at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 11:59:01 CET 2022


I have been trying to do a ROI analysis using surface, as in your page
https://simnibs.github.io/simnibs/build/html/tutorial/analysis.html. I
copied your example and changed the mesh to mine. I interpolated my mesh to
the surface, using map_to_surface when I run the simulation. However, when
I try to do the ROI analysis, I get an error in the
line head_mesh.node_data{end}.name = region_name. The error says that we
can't find the lh.4 region. I do not understand why this error happens.

Could you help me, please? Below you can see my code

head_mesh = mesh_load_gmsh4(sub);

[labels, snames] = subject_atlas(head_mesh, fullfile(pwd,
'm2m_mni_icbm152_t1_tal\'), 'HCP_MMP1');
 region_name = 'lh.4';
roi_idx=find(strcmpi(snames, region_name));
node_idx = labels.node_data{end}.data==roi_idx;

% Plot the ROI
head_mesh.node_data{end+1}.data = int8(node_idx);
head_mesh.node_data{end}.name = region_name;
mesh_show_surface(head_mesh, 'field_idx', region_name)

Thank you for your help,
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