[Simnibs-discuss] manual correction

w.tomasz at sensusmed.pl w.tomasz at sensusmed.pl
Tue Aug 18 17:37:11 CEST 2020


I had the pleasure of talking to you for a while at the April webinar on 
brain modeling after stroke.
I am currently researching the use of stimulation in a person with 
tinnitus with personalized stimulation.
I have a question about the manual correction of the brain model (the 
model created from the t1_mprage_sag and t2_space_dark_fluid_sag_p2 
images) in the automatic model creation in the CAT report gets results 
on the B and B + levels.
I'm a beginner when it comes to modeling (I am more concerned with NIBS 
in clinical applications), sorry if my questions are trivial :

1. on the SIMNIBS website, it says that it is not possible to do CAT 
cuttings, whether in such a system we use "m2m_ernie \ mask_prep \ 
MASK_CAT_WM.nii.gz" or "m2m_ernie \ gm.nii.gz" for manual editing. Does 
a manual correction make sense in such a situation?

2. From your and your team's experience, how big are the differences in 
electric field distributions between the B / B + and A-level models?

3.I wanted to use ITK-SNAP for the correction proposed on one of your 
toutorials but I am a beginner I have a hard time figuring out how to 
check if (how exactly) the surface contours follow the tissue shapes in 
the T1w image, with more masks than one .

4. Could you suggest a program other than FS to evaluate the created 
model? Since I'm a Windows 10 and FS user, it's more complicated here.

Thank you very much for your help and your time!
Best regards,

  		Witold Tomasz

  psycholog, psychoterapeuta, terapeuta tDCS

  		Ośrodek psychoterapii i neurorehabilitacji

  		Sensusmed Witold Tomasz

  		504288040  m: 789335047

  		Kraków 30-303

  		ul.Madalińskiego 3/1

  		www.sensusmed.pl [1]  e: w.tomasz at sensusmed.pl

[1] http://www.sensusmed.pl
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